long lived

美 [ˌlɔːŋ ˈlɪvd]英 [ˌlɒŋ ˈlɪvd]
  • adj.长命的;持久的;耐久的
long livedlong lived
  1. Small Scale Farming : A Widespread and Long Lived Mode of Production & On Mode of Production ≠ Formation of Society


  2. Either you allocate very temporary objects that die really quickly ( mostly in Gen0 , and Gen0 collections are cheap ) or some really long lived objects that stay in Gen2 .


  3. Could it be that being long lived causes marriage ?


  4. Study on gas phase long lived radicals in wood combustion


  5. A Transactional Workflow Management System Oriented to Long Lived Transaction


  6. Long lived radioactive waste disposal is an important issue for nuclear power development .


  7. A study on trace and common elements in serum and hair of long lived old people


  8. A long lived charge-separated state may occur in the objective compound ( 1 ) .


  9. Making local mode vibration long lived by the interaction between a strong mono color laser field and molecules


  10. POIDs provide a long lived object with a global identity that transcends space and time .


  11. We know because that is how you will find us , as we have long lived in harmony with all life .


  12. The idea of long lived endpoints differentiates WSTF from other Web service testing efforts .


  13. Objective To provide perpetual research materials for longevity studies , we established immortal lymphoblastoid cell lines of long lived people .


  14. Result : The cognitive disfunction was found to be 14.29 % in long lived elderly in Bama area .


  15. This is an unusual pattern for a workload ; generally , long lived data is either almost never changed or changed frequently .


  16. As with some persons who have long lived apart , solitude seemed to look out of its countenance .


  17. Conclusions The ubiquitin proteasome system was one of the important pathways for degradation of long lived protein in cultured myotubes .


  18. These aircrafts are mainly made of composite material , which has the characteristics such as long lived , light weighted , high quality , and low consumption .


  19. Some scholars speculate that this submarine " pyramid " may be long lived in the Atlantis submarine were built .


  20. In this approach , nearly all the very long lived components of the waste are eliminated , thereby transforming the nuclear waste debate .


  21. Like bees , humans have long lived or died based on their ability to divide labor , help each other and stand together in the face of common threats .


  22. The WSTF tries to reduce this overhead by providing a shared , and long lived , set of testing endpoints that are available to the entire community .


  23. Many masterpieces have long lived outside of public view , buried in the basements of museums or tucked away in the private villas of the rich .


  24. Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally , who has been considered for the Microsoft post , has long lived with a similar power-sharing arrangement .


  25. Manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta , China 's export hub , have long lived with wage inflation : minimum monthly wages have more than doubled since 2001 .


  26. How much oversight is being placed on the project , how many developers and of what skill level are developing the product , and how long lived is the product going to be ?


  27. Results suggest that there is a close connection between the microphysical structures of fog and the degree of air pollution , and a long lived inversion has an effect on the former .


  28. Objects are allocated in the young generation ; if they survive past a certain number of garbage collections , they are considered " long lived " and get promoted into the old generation .


  29. A model is designed for the gate steeve and mode vibration frequency of the mode was calculated . MAKING LOCAL MODE VIBRATION LONG LIVED BY THE INTERACTION BETWEEN A STRONG MONO COLOR LASER FIELD AND MOLECULES


  30. Seedlings after we studied it . When rape seeds germinate , the long lived mRNA translate amylase and protease , but could not translate Na + K + ATPase .
